
Samsung Galaxy 551 .Android .Custom ROM . Funky Mathematical Statistics


N00Bs alert:

A.) I like politeness .

B.) I dont like to repeat myself .(“cough” CSC ,bluetooth,amss_phone “cough”)

C.)I may be wrong .

So before posting a question ,please use the search box ,or check the tag cloud .

Chances are you will find the answer in a post or the comments .

Dont post questions on this thread .It is not meant to be support thread .

Team ENIGMA  :

Ajay 191191 at night. I would avoid interacting with him after 12:00.

Skilled chaos :ME 

My pet dragon feeds on n00bs .Apart from that I love bicycles .I am partially nocturnal . This is my blog ,It started as a normal Android Tech Blog but now it also acts as official platform for the Arkas ROMs Lineups

pinkflozd .

He is the second kernel modder of enigma and a unix systems specialist.

It’s unknown about his likes for kittens,bicycles,cotton candy and pokemon .But he like pink floyd I assume .

Yes I have not messed up the link.Yes it is a cow .Also it is a cover of atom heart mother .If you cant see him,it means he is on a boat somewhere in the artic counting squirrels.

smoke87 (Tiago) :- Third Kernel Developer who is quick to port stuff
kraka23:- He is a long time contributor .Fourth Kernel Dev .THough he more of recovery expert (Not clockwork Mod)